Cultura / 16.07.2015


From 11th to 16th August take place the week dedicated to prison economy. Prisons. Places to forget. Places that do not belong to us. But you know that the warm and welcoming holiday atmosphere is able to eliminate even the strongest prejudices.

It is exactly during a period of relaxation that people can rediscover their intellectual curiosity to peek into the crowed world of a prisoner. We will find out that, beyond a box full of problem, the jail is a place of opportunity.

The first edition of FREEDHOME arrives in Livigno: that will be the chance to look at life from a different point view that enhances the ethical, social and economic potential of Italian prisons.

FREEDHOME tells stories of prison economy in our country offering an overview of handicraft products which cover different field , including food, design, fashion and services.

Some people will buy a product of prison economy just  as political gesture to concretely support  those projects that may change the story of the prisoners.  Other people will do that for solidarity, other think that working in prison is the antidote to insecurity of our cities. These are all really good reason.

But we hope you will choose FREEDHOME just because our products  are among the best , the most creative and most beautiful on the market.

FREEDHOME SUMMERTIME TEMPORARY JAIL STORE is an event promoted by EQUOBOTTEGA Livigno with the direct support of producers who are engaged in the management of these really unusual initiatives.


We are waiting for you….


News / 15.07.2015
Apart from the all-familiar wooden “Il Castello” drop tower, the Suzuki Nine Knights MTB course has been re-designed to host the elite freerider mountain bikers at Mottolino Bike Park in Livigno, Italy. The slopestyle action kicks off on the 31 st of August and culminates with the public big air competition on Saturday the 5 th of September 2015.