The Livigno's artist, Vania Cusini, is the star of the Russian Cup of Snow and Ice Sculptures "Zimniy Vernissage".
There is a dush of Livigno in the works that have been created during the Russian Cup of Snow and Ice Sculptures in Perm, Russia, which was attended by artists from Russia and the rest of the world (Europe, China, Argentina, Latvia, Malaysia, Thailand).
Vania Cusini, the local artist who conceived the Livin'Ice Park of Livigno in both winter and summer version, and that created also the wood sculptures festival Wood'n Art, has been called to represent Italy at the 20th edition of the Russian Cup of Snow and Ice Sculpture "Zimniy Vernissage", which had as its theme "My Little homeland". Vania has won the first prize with a snow sculpture entitled "Italian Stories" in which Italy is represented by snowy pages that symbolize the culture, history, art, science, Latin, wisdom and a dash of Livigno.
" I already knew this important event, The Russian Cup of Snow and Ice, and in 2013 I got the desire to participate and above all to compare with other artists coming from all over the world - says Vania Cusini- personally, "My little homeland" is the place where I live: Livigno. A town with its own past made of commercial development, tourism, culture. Livigno is a small town made up of lively and active people, that work really hard, and that give value to the family and the community. My "small country" is my family, my children, the creativity that you can breathe in my house. Livigno is also the country where dreams are born, but they stop or remain hidden in its mountains. Many stories, many secrets collected in several books: some read, "lived", browsed, others left there for people who may have the desire to know or to take a challenge. Books that are in balance or that are seeking it!
The sculpture theme of Vania Cusini is the about books and all the stories that live inside them. It is about piled books, some open, others closed. Millions of words, letters, points, and commas contained in books, in dreams, desires, that run inside. Are novels, poems, studies and assumptions, where the plastic strength of the sculpture interacts with the content, creating a play of light and shadow typical of the secrets, of the mystery and of the narrative stories. Vania Cusini realized this sculpture together with Lidia Viganò.