The snow summer event, that took place yesterday in Livigno, was an extraordinary day. Infect the main streets of Livigno have turned into a cross-country track for the 35th edition of the Districts Trophy. The snow, which covered the shopping streets, has been stored since last winter using a geothermal system. The first skiers have been the athletes of the Norwegian Cross-country Team who was in Livigno to train at altitude together with the multiple medalist Petter Northug.
In Livigno, it must be said, you do not get bored! Thursday, August 27, 2015 took place the 35th edition of the Districts’ Trophy, which was a race reserved for cross-country skiers who belong to the eight districts of Livigno: Centro, Comunìn Pemónt, Fórcola, Ostarìa, Plàn da Sóra, Saròch, Teòla and Trepàl. The district’s members aimed to defend the colors of their own district, some of them were dressed up with traditional costumes while others with super technical equipment. What made this edition even more special, was also the challenge between Italy-Norway thanks to the presence of the Olympic champion Petter Nortugh. Now the streets has returned to normality, but the appointment with the snow and the cross-country skis is coming soon, thanks to the new snowmaking system that guarantees the opening of the winter season already from the beginning of November!