Mountain Bike / 29.05.2015

Adventure Awards & first edition of BAM!

In Livigno, the first edition of BAM!,the european meeting of bicycle travelers and adventurers.Two day of meetings, workshops, concerts and rides.Among the guests, Willy Mulonia, Danilo Callegari, Alessandro Gallo, EleanorMoseman, Paolo Marazzi, Riky Felderer and many others.

Adventure Awards Days, the international festival of adventure and exploration, hosts thisyear in Livigno, on the 31st of July and the 1st of August, the first edition of BAM!, theeuropean Bicycle Adventure Meeting.A real event within the event, which for the first time in Europe is aimed at all of those whouse a bicycle to travel, explore, experience small or great adventures. For all of those whohave chosen the pace at a ground level, aiming at the horizon, crossing boundaries,feeling the climate with the wind on the face; for all travelers who travel around Europe,collecting kilometers, cyclists who are not afraid of the rain and snow, with an optimisticattitude and loving every slope, because eventually (sooner or later) they will win the prizeof the descent.Numerous appointments on two wheels: mechanical and photography “on the road”workshops, a collective ride to Nietzsche's house in Engadine, “meeting on the saddle”book authors such as Francesco Ricci and Riccardo Barlaam, and a yoga lesson for bikerswith Alberto Milani; meetings with great travelers, Tao's itinerant concert and the meetingof the legendary Volkswagen Buses.Then the BAM Party, with the 1816 beer and a barbecue, but first the Free speech contest:5 minutes each, photos and videos in the backround (if desired), and people who will telltheir two wheel stories. The most beautiful story will be rewarded with two beautiful outfits,summer and winter, offered by Pedaled.There are many guests with which you can share your passion: Willy Mulonia, AlessandroGallo, the english photographer and explorer Eleanor Moseman, the adventurer DaniloCallegari, Riky Felderer and Paolo Marazzi (who will present their project Smog2015) andmeetings (on the saddle) with the authors Francesco Ricci and Riccardo Barlaam,published by Ediciclo.BAM! is the first event in Italy and one of the few in Europe which aims to intercept fatsgrowingphenomenas such as the bike-packing, the gravel bike and the adventure bike, aswell as the one of the small and big journeys.It's an event organized by Adventure Awards Days (Livigno, July 27th – August 2nd ) anddeveloped in collaboration with Brooks England, Specialized and PedalEd, in partnershipwith Miss Grape and with the media-partnership of prestigious realities such as Pannier.ccand Sidetracked. For registration:! Will take place during the Adventure Awards Days, the full program of films,workshops, meetings, concerts and shows is available on the

Mountain Bike / 28.05.2015
The premium Italian resort Livigno is still peppered with a thin layer of snow. But by mid-June the final snowflakes should have melted away and Italy's "Little Tibet" will be ready to start its 2015 bike season. Mottolino Bike Park will open its tracks and the extended flow trail network at Carosello 3000 will be groomed and ready to ride. Lower down a new pump track at the Bike Skill Centre will open as well. Livigno is ready to welcome bikers from near and far. Special bike hotels, customized tours and services round out the experience.