On the border between Italy and Switzerland lies Livigno, where nature unleashes its extraordinary magnificence.
The landscape and nature of the resort, a veritable pearl nestled in the Rhaetian Alps, is equalled only by a very few.
In summer, the green valleys and pointed steeples lit up by the sun give Livigno a candidly relaxing appearance. Now that winter is upon us, however, it’s the snow that creates a magical atmosphere, covering the peaks of Little Tibet with its white cloak.
Nature indeed, but not only.
Livigno is an out and out open-air gym and the many athletes who choose the resort at high-altitude every year to prepare their sporting events are well-aware of this.
Besides the athletes, countless sports enthusiasts take advantage of this mountain paradise to train and unwind, taking a break from their increasingly hectic daily lives.
For many years now, the day the
cross-country ring opens has been a cornerstone for the beginning of the winter season in Livigno. This year, more than ever before, it will present itself as a symbol of sporting ‘rebirth'.
The date to circle in red on calendars is
Friday 30th October 2020, when it will be possible to
ski on the snows of Livigno once again. The ring is prepared specially by experts using the tried and tested snow-farming technique. Following special precautions, said technique makes it possible to store a massive amount of the snow produced during the winter season each year and supported by the re-cently snowfall.
The track will be open daily with admission from 6:30a.m. to 7:00p.m., upon payment of the special ticket. Amateurs and residents will be able to use the ring at a different time, namely 12:00 noon to 7:00p.m., and can purchase tickets using the My Livigno App for €5.00. Teams, on the other hand, must purchase their tickets from Aquagranda, by emailing a written reservation to in-fo@aquagrandalivigno.com.
Furthermore, residents of Livigno and the province of Sondrio will be able to purchase a season ticket using the My Livigno App, or alternatively, from the Aquagranda reception as of 30th October.It’s a great occasion also for the
Biathletes who can train on the cross-country ring and then shoot at the biathlon arena, located in Campaciol and usable every day from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm with permis-sion granted by the management of APT Livigno. For the the activities at the shooting range the na-tional safety regulations and the IBU ones are applied. Rates are € 8,00 for the full daily ticket and € 5,00 for the reduced daily ticket/residents.
The use of the shooting range is allowed only upon reser-vation at Aquagranda (tel. 0342 970277 - info@aquagrandalivigno.com).
For the use of the track and the polygon, the anti Covid regulations in force must be respected. During the activity it will not be obligatory to wear the mask, but cross-country skiers and biathletes must have it with them and wear it during the breaks, before entering the track and as soon as the activity is over. On the track remain valid all the rules related to social distancing, even if the use of the track for time slots, differentiated for professional teams and amateurs, will avoid any crowding of athletes.
Livigno, the perfect combination for lovers of sport and nature.To find out about and check the regulations for using the ring, please access: https://www.livigno.eu/en/crosscountry-skiing