Manifestazioni sportive / 16.07.2015

Best Adventurer 2015 and Best Storyteller 2015

Adventure Days Awards announces  Best Adventurer and  Best Storyteller 2015, those awards go respectively to Alex Bellini and Matteo Caccia.

Following the consultation of the Livigno’s  festival with operators and journalists  the awards go - after the explorer Danilo Callegari, the mountaineer Hervé Barmasse and the freerider Emilio Previtali - to two very different personalities who together perfectly embody the festival spirit: sharing of extraordinary stories and experiences.

Alex Bellini and Matteo Caccia are going to be in Livigno for a public meeting on Saturday, August 1, at Cinelux.  "Tale" is the key word of this evening event which is moderated by Emilio Previtali accompanied by the ironic guitar of  Guido Foddis. Starting from the oceans and horizons of Alex and the adventure stories gathered by Matteo, the underlying theme will be disclosed through seas, distant horizons, mountains and skies collecting everything we can to improve our everyday lives.

Alex Bellini is an adventurer, keynote speaker and mental coach. Over the past ten years he has run more than 23,000 kilometers, but does not consider himself a runner. He has rowed solo more than 35,000 kilometres, but he does not consider himself a rower. He lived in complete isolation more than 560 days, but he does not consider himself a lone adventurer.  Alex likes to call himself an explorer of human nature and by means of adventures he explores the inner part of himself. The Golden Beard of Best Adventurer 2015, designated by Hideto Suzuki, the Japanese designer of PedalEd, has been handed to Alex thanks to the uniqueness of his project, as well as his ability to communicate and share his feats. During his next project, Adrtift, Alex will live on the tip of an iceberg for a year or until its melting. It best represents his concept of adventure namely a mental challenge more than a super athletics performance.

Matteo Caccia collects, writes and tells stories for Italian theater, television and radio broadcasts, which honored him as one of the most original voices in the Italian media. The Golden Beard 2015 of Best Storyteller (again, signed by Hideto Suzuki) goes to Matteo Caccia thanks to his ability to find the adventure in the everyday and to turn it into an engaging and inspiring tale.

Matteo Caccia will be in Livigno also on Sunday, August 2, to hold a workshop about storytelling. Everybody knows what a story is, until the moment they sit down and try to tell it. The workshop "Collect and tell stories" is a good chance to get the right tools and learn how to use them.

This event at Cinelux has free admission and is presented by Osprey.


Culture / 16.07.2015
From 11th to 16th August take place the week dedicated to prison economy. Prisons. Places to forget. Places that do not belong to us. But you know that the warm and welcoming holiday atmosphere is able to eliminate even the strongest prejudices.